A Few Moments of Cheers is a heartwarming and uplifting anime film that explores the transformative power of music. The story follows Kanata Asaya, a high school student who is passionate about producing music videos, and Yuu Orie, a disillusioned music teacher who has given up on music. As they collaborate on a music video, they discover the beauty of human connection and the universal language of music.
The Good
- Well-developed characters with complex backstories
- Heartwarming and uplifting story that explores the transformative power of music
- Beautiful animation and music that enhance the mood and atmosphere of the scenes
- Themes of self-discovery, friendship, and perseverance are well-explored
The Bad
- Some viewers may find the plot predictable or clichéd
- The characters' motivations and backstories are not fully explored
- The film may be too sentimental or emotional for some viewers
Sex & Nudity2
Violence & Gore0
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking0
Frightening & Intense Scenes2
A Few Moments of Cheers is a new original anime movie that delves into the world of music video production. The story follows Kanata Asaya, a high school student who is obsessed with producing music videos. One night, he stumbles upon a captivating street performance and is determined to make a music video for the song. However, the singer, Yuu Orie, is a teacher who has given up on music.
Plot Summary
The movie is a co-production between the Hurray creative team and 100studio, using the 3DCG software Blender as its main production tool. The story revolves around Kanata’s journey to create a music video for the song, which is performed by Yuu Orie. Along the way, he discovers the struggles and passions of the people involved in the music industry.
The characters in A Few Moments of Cheers are well-developed and complex. Kanata, the protagonist, is a high school student who is passionate about music videos. Yuu Orie, the singer, is a teacher who has given up on music. The supporting characters, including the music producers and the street performers, add depth to the story.
Animation and Music
The animation in A Few Moments of Cheers is top-notch, with vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds. The music is also well-done, with a mix of orchestral and electronic tracks that enhance the mood and atmosphere of the scenes.
A Few Moments of Cheers is a heartwarming and uplifting anime film that explores the transformative power of music. The story follows Kanata Asaya, a high school student who is passionate about producing music videos, and Yuu Orie, a disillusioned music teacher who has given up on music. As they collaborate on a music video, they discover the beauty of human connection and the universal language of music.