The anime adaptation of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian has released its 4th character trailer, building anticipation for its upcoming premiere. The series is set to premiere in October 2024 and will be streamed in Japan on ABEMA.
Character Trailer
The new trailer features the character Alya, voiced by Rumi Ookubo, who is known for her emotional struggles and her ability to hide her feelings. The animation is vibrant and detailed, bringing the world of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian to life in a way that immerses the viewer.
Main Cast
The main cast includes:
- Rumi Ookubo as Alya
- Yoji Ueda as Rat Catcher
- Hochu Otsuka as The Thinker
- Shizuka Ito as Enchantress
- Taro Kiuchi as Killer Croc
Main Staff
The main staff includes:
- Director: Takuji Miyamoto
- Series Composition, Script: Sawako Hirabayashi
- Character Design: Narihito Sekikawa
- Animation Production: St.Signpost
The story revolves around Alya, a high school student who struggles to express her emotions. She is known for her ability to hide her feelings, but this also makes her vulnerable to those around her. The series explores her journey as she navigates her relationships and confronts her emotional struggles.
The 4th character trailer for Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian is an exciting glimpse into the world of this captivating anime. With its vibrant animation and engaging characters, it is sure to captivate audiences worldwide. The series is set to premiere in October 2024 and will be streamed in Japan on ABEMA.