Rising Impact is a captivating anime series that explores the world of golf through the story of Gawain Nanaumi, a young boy determined to become a champion. With its unique blend of sports and adventure, the series promises to captivate a wide audience. The animation is vibrant and detailed, and the characters are colorful and engaging.
The Good
- Unique blend of sports and adventure
- Engaging characters and story
- Vibrant and detailed animation
- Promises to captivate a wide audience
The Bad
- Limited information available
Sex & Nudity1
Violence & Gore2
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking1
Frightening & Intense Scenes2
Netflix is set to unveil a new animated series, Rising Impact, based on the popular manga by Nakaba Suzuki. The series follows the journey of Gawain Nanaumi, a third-grader who falls in love with golf and decides to work hard to become a champion. With its unique blend of sports and adventure, Rising Impact promises to captivate a wide audience.
The Story
The story begins with Gawain Nanaumi, a young boy who lives in a mountainous, rural area with a passion for baseball. However, he soon discovers golf and becomes determined to become a champion. Guided by Kiria, Gawain moves to Tokyo and enrolls at Camelot Academy, a prestigious school for golfers from all over the world. With his newfound love for golf, Gawain faces numerous challenges and talented rivals, but he remains committed to his goal.
The Characters
The series features a diverse cast of colorful characters, each with their unique personalities and styles. The trailer introduces us to Lancelot Norman, Kiria Nishino, Kurumi Nishino, Yumiko Koizumi, Liebel Ringvald, Platalissa Bonaire, Wanglian Li, Riser Hopkins, and Kai Todoin. These characters add depth and excitement to the story, making it an engaging and thrilling ride.
The Animation
The animation in Rising Impact is vibrant and detailed, bringing the world of golf to life in a way that immerses the viewer. The series uses anime to make even the least thrilling sports feel action-packed and full of twists. The trailer showcases the colorful characters and their styles, giving us a glimpse into the world of golf.
Rising Impact is a unique and thrilling anime series that promises to captivate a wide audience. With its touching story, engaging characters, and vibrant animation, it is an adventure that fans of sports and anime will love. The series is set to premiere on Netflix in June 2024, with the second season following in August 2024.