The highly anticipated TV anime adaptation of the popular manga series, Suicide Squad ISEKAI, has finally released its first episode synopsis and opening theme video. The series is set to premiere in the United States on Max and Hulu, with the first three episodes releasing on June 27. New episodes will release weekly beginning with episode 4 on July 4. For regions outside the U.S., the anime will be available on ADN in France, HBO GO in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as ANIPLUS and LAFTEL in Korea.
Episode 1 Synopsis
The first episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI introduces viewers to Harley Quinn, who goes on a nightly rampage in Gotham City with the Joker. However, she is attacked by a mysterious girl named Katana and subsequently imprisoned. Six months later, A.R.G.U.S. director Amanda Waller stuns Harley, removes her from prison, and places her in a helicopter. When Harley regains consciousness, she finds herself face-to-face with the villainous Deadshot, the narcissistic Clayface, and the enigmatic Peacemaker, who is wearing a sack. Through a monitor, Amanda informs Harley that she has been assigned a top-secret mission, which could cost her life.
Additional Characters and Opening Theme Video
The additional characters introduced in the first episode include Rat Catcher, The Thinker, Enchantress, and Killer Croc. The opening theme video features the song “Another World” by Tomoyasu Hotei, which sets the tone for the series. The animation is vibrant and detailed, bringing the world of Suicide Squad ISEKAI to life in a way that immerses the viewer.
Main Cast
The main cast includes:
- Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn
- Yuuichirou Umehara as The Joker
- Yoji Ueda as Rat Catcher
- Hochu Otsuka as The Thinker
- Shizuka Ito as Enchantress
- Taro Kiuchi as Killer Croc
The staff includes:
- Director: Takuji Miyamoto
- Series Composition, Script: Takuji Miyamoto
- Character Design: Takuji Miyamoto
- Animation Production: The Answer Studio
The first episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI is an exciting glimpse into the world of this captivating anime. With its vibrant animation and engaging characters, it is sure to captivate audiences worldwide. The series is set to premiere in the United States on Max and Hulu, with the first three episodes releasing on June 27. New episodes will release weekly beginning with episode 4 on July 4. For regions outside the U.S., the anime will be available on ADN in France, HBO GO in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as ANIPLUS and LAFTEL in Korea.